Marriage Proposal Ideas

This might be the single most important moment of your life. It's all up to you to completely blow your partner's mind. Where to propose? How should I ask the question? What do I say? Well here's some tips for those that need some guidance and proposal ideas.

You have quite a few options that you may choose but I would recommend the following:

Proposal Suggestion #1

Step 1: Take you partner to a remote location where you can spend quality time with them. Planning at this stage is very important as explained in my other articles. Make sure to pack cutlery, a formal type dress for her and a tux for you.

Step 2: Start by giving her the best day of her life. Treat her to a foot massage, a back massage or even bring along a gift. Make sure that she feels really comfortable and do your best not to have a single fight.

Step 3: Tell him/her that you're tired and go to sleep.

Step 4: Now it's time to take action, set up a table with candles and wine with the finest cutlery that you possess. Prepare a meal that you feel would fit the occasion.

Step 5: Dress for the occasion!

Step 6: Go back to your partner and tell her that you have a surprise for her however it is required that she has to put on her finest dress.

Step 7: Blindfold her and lead her to the dinner table. When you reveal it to her it would be a good idea to have some soft music coming from a car or any other music source.

Step 8: After the dinner and some casual chat it's time to "pop the question". Make sure you prepare sufficiently before proposing. Tell her exactly what you feel and how much she means to you. Make sure you describe every detail as vivid as possible.

Step 9: Start making wedding arrangements

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